Throughout the years in the market, we have noticed that there is a growing size of customers who do not necessarily wish to use metal attachments on their customized lanyards/ badge holders for security or safety concern. Due to this, we came up with two sets of our own specially designed patented plastic fasteners that can not only substitute for the original metal fasteners but improve the functions too! These are our SuperFasterner N & T Series.
In general, our plastic fasteners take the same role as the metal fasteners. However, they could do much more than the regular ones when being compared. First of all, both SuperFastener N and T are composed of two parts: the main body and the detachment. The main body is fastened on to the lanyard strap while the accessory part can be changed based on the function needed by the user. Different from T, where you can have as many as to 4 detachments, there's only one detachment that is possible to be added on to the main body part for SuperFastener N. Also, the second parts of T can be pulled out like a buckle. This allows the user to use the lanyard in various way that better match to their habits. Below is a short introduction clip that demonstrate the characteristics of the two specially designed plastic fasteners.